

Here you can easily create telephones (SIP accounts). You can then link these telephones to users or make them available for flex-login. A flex-telephone is a telephone without fixed users to which one or more users can log in. You can also create a telephone here for use in combination with the ClearVox Nexxt smartphone App.


In the overview of created telephones you can check the registration status, accessibility and calling status of the device. You can also see here to whom the device has been assigned..

At this moment ClearVox Nexxt provisioning supports the following brands:

Telephone configuration firmware tool (available as of Nexxt Release 1.11.0)

Aastra/Mitel SIP 6800i serie 

Firmware will be upgraded during the nightly sync at 03:00

Aastra 6867i (default) > 5.1.x.x / 6.x.x.x
Aastra 6873i (default) > 5.1.x.x / 6.x.x.x
Aastra 6869i (default) > 5.1.x.x / 6.x.x.x
Aastra 6863i (default) > 5.1.x.x / 6.x.x.x *
Aastra 6865i (default) > 5.1.x.x / 6.x.x.x *

* Will only retrieve new firmware after a manual reboot, this is a bug for version, once upgraded, the device will go along with the nightly sync.

Gigaset Maxwell serie (not yet supported)

Firmware update not yet supported !

Maxwell Basic 3.16.7 (default) > 3.19.0 *
Maxwell 2 3.16.7 (default) > 3.19.0 *
Maxwell 3 3.16.7 (default) > 3.19.0 *
Maxwell 4 3.16.7 (default) > 3.19.0 *

* All models require the update to be run using the webinterface of the Gigaset telephone .

Yealink Deskphone series

* VP59 / T58W (pro) series can be registered but provisioning of keys and firmware is not supported.

**Beware Some models are end of life (EOL) like the T4xG series and a number of the T4xS models. See the release notes upgrade procedure for these T4x series, these REQUIRE the intermediate step to V85

***T3X series can be registered but provisioning of keys and firmware is not supported. The T30 and T30P are single line telephones and cannot transfer calls.

Firmware update starts immediately!

SIP-T53(W) ↔︎ ↔︎** (update from V84 to V86 requires intermediate step to V85 first, otherwise the update will fail)
SIP-T54W ↔︎ ↔︎** (update from V84 to V86 requires intermediate step to V85 first, otherwise the update will fail)
SIP-T57W ↔︎ ↔︎** (update from V84 to V86 requires intermediate step to V85 first, otherwise the update will fail)
SIP-T46U ↔︎
SIP-T48U ↔︎
SIP-T42U ↔︎
SIP-T43U ↔︎

SIP-T58* ↔︎
SIP-T54S* Only 1 firmware version
SIP-T52S* Only 1 firmware version
SIP-T46S* ↔︎ ↔︎
SIP-T48S* ↔︎ ↔︎
SIP-T48G* ↔︎
SIP-T42G* ↔︎
SIP-T46G* ↔︎

SIP-T49* ↔︎
SIP-T40G* ↔︎ ↔︎
SIP-T40P* ↔︎


* = EoL ( )

** = Beta 1.11.3

Firmware update starts immediately!

KX-HDV130 11.175 ↔︎ 11.190
KX-HDV230 11.175 ↔︎ 11.190
KX-HDV330 11.175 ↔︎ 11.190
KX-HDV340 11.175 → 11.120 *
KX-HDV430 11.175 ↔︎ 11.190

* Will not downgrade

Network scan

The network scan is only available on on-site systems. If you want to provide telephones with correct settings semi-automatically, the telephones should preferably be located in the same subnet as the telephone exchange. To add Mitel phones semi-automatically, the phones must also be in factory condition. If not, reset the phone to factory settings first. Go to Phones, click button at the top right of the page and select 'Provision telephone(s)'. Then choose the correct network interface (default is ETH0), the correct subnet and network mask. Then press 'SCAN HET NETWERK'. If you perform this scan in another rfc1918 subnet, communication must be possible at least on ports TCP 80, TCP 443, UDP 5060 and UDP 10000 to 20000. You must also manually select the device brand.  

Select the phones you want to 'provision' and click 'PROVISION'. The devices will restart and upgrade their firmware where possible, in which case restart again and then log into the ClearVox Nexxt system.

If you enable the "Use redirection provisioning" option, the devices will be referred to the Clearvox system by the redirection server of the brand

Redirection provisioning

You also have the option to use redirection provisioning. In this case, the servers of the relevant manufacturer are used to let the device know where it can retrieve its configuration file. If you want to use redirection provisioning, the device must be able to connect to the internet (http/https) and the device must be in factory condition on the first boot or you must reset the device to factory condition. When the device boots for the first time, it contacts the manufacturer's server, retrieves the configuration server URL and is pointed to the correct Clearvox system by our central redirection server. The devices will restart and upgrade their firmware where possible, in which case they will restart again and then log in to the ClearVox Nexxt system. It does not matter whether the ClearVox system is located exclusively in a (closed) local network or is publicly connected to the Internet.

It is important that the ClearVox system knows which device it is. We use the MAC address for this. Whether you add a device through a network scan (enable the "Use redirection provisioning" option), enter it manually or add multiple devices at once, it does not matter, as long as the MAC address is entered correctly. 


If you are using redirection provisioning, enter the devices first and only then connect them. The device will request its configuration URL on the first boot. If you connect all devices first and then enter the devices, you may have to factory reset them later to force them to request the configuration URL again.

Registering manual phone

You also have the option to create phones manually. For example, you can use your favorite softphone, a hardware phone for which we do not yet offer provisioning or the Nexxt smartphone App.

To create a phone manually, click on the  key at the top right of the page and choose Register manual phone’. Enter the name and description that will allow you to identify the phone later in your system. (For example: name: 'Softphone Jan Janssen', description: 'Room 110').

Click on 'save'. After this, the SIP authentication details for this phone will be automatically created.

 The SIP username cannot be changed. However, you do have the option to generate a new password by using thebutton.

If the user to whom you assign this phone has access to multiple voicemail boxes, you can also select a mailbox for MWI. If your phone supports MWI (Message Waiting Indication), it will respond to newly received messages in the specified mailbox.

Nexxt Smartphone App

If you use the ClearVox Nexxt smartphone App (max. 1 per iOS or Android user), you need to create a phone for the App and assign it to the user in question. If you are using a Mobile On PBX service, you must provide the Mobile On PBX gateway administrator with the details of this phone. If you use the softphone built into the App, choose the phone after logging in to the Nexxt smartphone App. More information can be found here.

Adding multiple phones

With the help of a barcode scanner, you have the possibility to quickly and easily add a whole range of devices. Make sure that you set the barcode scanner to SCAN→TAB and not to SCAN→ENTER. In the menu, go to phones, press the and choose "Bulk creation". Place your cursor in the first MAC address field and start scanning.

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